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Norton AntiVirus 2010 Beta 可無限期試用~new

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ken000 發表於 2009-7-13 11:08:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
軟件名稱: Norton AntiVirus 2010
軟件版本: Beta with Trial Resetter
軟件語言: eng
軟件大小: 66 Mb
軟件功能: 系統防毒
下載方式: http免空
分享期限: 免空砍檔,不補檔

諾頓是賽門鐵克(Symantec)針對個人用戶推出的品牌, Symantec最新推出的Norton Internet Security(諾頓網絡安全特警),此套件的完全版本中添加了許多特性,包括倍受歡迎的Norton AntiVirus、兒童上網控制器、廣告拒收工具和垃圾郵件過濾器等.病毒入侵檢測可以發現類似Nimda的蠕蟲;當你的電腦有一段時間不使用網絡後, 該程序會自動切斷你的網絡連接;更加簡便的用戶界面.
What's New in This Release:
· New and Improved Features
· Performance Enhancements
· The 2010 products improve on the very high performance bar already set by the 2009 products. The Beta builds will be regularly updated, with later builds improving on performance and functionality.
· Enhanced Norton Insight
· Norton Insight is built on the Symantec Quorum backend intelligence technology first introduced in the 2009 products. In 2009 Norton Insight only quantified trustworthiness, in 2010 Norton Insight also provides information on prevalence, age, and runtime performance data.
· Download Insight
· Download Insight is a new line of defense against the introduction of untrusted applications on your system. Download Insight monitors new application or installer downloads, automatically analyzes and classifies the application using the Quorum technology, and provides you with a trust rating for the application before allowing the application or installer to execute.
· Performance Monitoring
· The system performance ...

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