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jv16 PowerTools 2009系統的全面管理_免安裝

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le2712 發表於 2009-4-19 12:31:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:jv16 PowerTools 2009免安裝
【檔案大小】:5.07 MB
jv16 PowerTools2008 為您提供對Windows系統的全面管理、控制,可用於註冊表、檔案系統和本地網路的監控與優化。註冊表工具可以維護Windows 添加/刪除軟體列表;卸載軟體;掃瞄註冊表中的無效鍵值;刪除無效內容;控制系統啟動時加載的程式;電腦的註冊表。檔案系統工具能搜索本地電腦中的零長度檔案、重複檔案、臨時檔案、無效快捷方式等。設置好就能加速PC運行!
Changes in jv16 PowerTools 2009 (18.04.2009):
* Fixed a rather serious problem introduced in build 550 that caused the program sometimes to create invalid backup files of certain registry data. This version both fixes the problem so it no longer occurs, but also automatically fixes all the created incorrect backup files when restored.
* Improved the main window's GUI to support long text captions.
* Fixed a bug that caused the Delete keyboard button not to work on all tools, such as the Registry Cleaner.
* Added Select > Highlighted back to the Registry Cleaner.
* Fixed a bug that caused program's windows to change size after using the Settings tool.
* Fixed a bug that caused Full Row Select and Unselect features not to work properly with the Registry Cleaner.
* Fixed a bug that caused the Registry Cleaner not to start if there was a certain error in the currently used translation, the problem affected at least the Italian translation.
* Fixed a bug that caused the Software Uninstaller to hang when uninstalling certain large applications.
* Fixed a bug that caused duplicate data to be added to the Debug Log, this resulted very large log files.
* Added Finnish translation.

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