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【更新】Messenger Plus! Live 4.11.254

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KoFung 發表於 2006-11-29 15:13:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Messenger Plus! Live 是 Windows Live Messenger 不可或缺的外掛程式,就這麼簡單。自從 2001 年成為簡單的 MSN Messenger 3 外掛直到現在,被安裝一億五千萬次後, Messenger Plus! 保證可以大大增進您使用 Messenger 的經驗。你得到的將不會是一兩樣新功能,而會是有著新氣象的 Windows Live Messenger。

Change Log:
Messenger Plus! now always works properly when a SOCKS server is configured in the Messenger options (can happen when installing other add-ons such as SimpLite-MSN). This fixes problems with contact events not being detected.

Every Messenger process launched in the system is now terminated if necessary during setup to prevent "file locked" problems.

Fixed: Messenger crashes if a script or a sound pack is attempted to be imported while Messenger Plus! has not been loaded properly (when the "Software Not Loaded" menu is present).

Fixed: some preferences may not be loaded and scripts may not be started when Messenger is launched automatically by another product such as Windows Live Mail.

Fixed: messages sent with multiple lines are not logged properly in Messenger 8.1 in XHTML logs (line breaks were not written properly).

Fixed: scripts that throw an exception during a DLL function call may crash Messenger if the scripting debug window is not displayed. This caused some scripts that seemed to work fine in version 4.00 to crash with version 4.01 and 4.10.

Fixed: the AlwaysReloadInterfaces registry setting does not function properly.

Scripts: parameters ranging from 0x80000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF can now be passed to Interop.Call without the need for an extra workaround.

Scripts: "null" values can now be passed to Interop.Call and are interpreted as "0" (integer).

Scripts MsgPlus.Version returns a better floating point value (see update in documentation).

 樓主| KoFung 發表於 2006-11-29 15:25:49 | 只看該作者
Windows Live(TM) Messenger 8.1 搶鮮版


• 新設計的智慧型連絡人卡片,讓您更輕鬆簡單地和朋友聯繫。
• 個人化設定隨身漫遊,在不同電腦登入都能使用相同的顯示名稱、個人訊息和顯示圖片。
• 更快捷的登入
• 更穩健的執行效能

Windows Live Messenger 是新一代的 MSN Messenger

提供您既有的 Messenger 功能:連絡人清單、表情符號,並可以透過文字、聲音和影像迅速連絡到朋友。新增多項功能:共用資料夾、Windows Live 連絡人等。

 樓主| KoFung 發表於 2006-11-29 18:10:07 | 只看該作者
【更新】A-Patch 1.3.0 RC1 Build 52

Change log:

- Added: Compatibility support for Windows Live Messenger 8.1.0106 Public Beta
- Fixed: Removing font button now does not disable the right-click "Change font" entry

cail 發表於 2006-11-30 11:26:17 | 只看該作者
vincent.chang 發表於 2006-11-30 14:43:56 | 只看該作者
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