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On August 27, return to Pandora and re-experience James Cameron's History-Making Epic film, with more than Eight Minutes of Never Before Seen Footage- exclusively in Digital 3D and IMAX® 3D. Since - and largely as of result of - AVATAR's release last December, the number of available digital 3D screens has exploded, and moviegoers who missed experiencing the film in 3D, as well as fans that want to return to Pandora again, will now have that opportunity.
The Oscar® and Golden Globe® winning epic is the highest grossing film of all time, taking in over $2.7 billion in worldwide box office. It is also the top-selling Blu-ray disc of all time.
Visit www.avatarmovie.com/re-releasedates for more information and international release dates.
8月27日,重回潘多拉體驗詹姆斯卡麥隆的歷史性的史詩電影,有超過 8分鐘的前所未見的影片,只在數位3D及IMAX ® 3D的。因為去年12月,數位影廳數人次爆滿,觀眾可能錯過體驗3D的機會,以及許多影迷想再次回到潘朵拉星球,現在有這個機會。
奧斯卡 ® ®和金球獎獲獎是史詩電影最高票房紀錄的所有時間,以超過 27億美元的全球票房。這也是最暢銷的藍光光盤的所有時間。
訪問 www.avatarmovie.com/re-releasedates獲取更多信息和國際發行日期。
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