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Trend Micro Consumer RD

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bankerju 發表於 2008-8-6 15:00:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
 部門名稱: Consumer RD
 職務名稱: (Sr.) QA Engineer (Consumer TIS)
 職務性質: 全職
 工作地點: 台北市大安區
 到職日期: 即時
 薪資待遇: 面議
 聘用人數: 1
 休假制度: 週休二日
 上班時段: 09:00 ~ 18:00

 工作內容: 1. Responsible for testing design, planning and execution for new or existing Consumer applications.
2. Investigating new technologies and put in use with creativity that drives valuable innovation.
3. Validating programs through automation testing.
4. Creating technical specifications and documentations.
5. Working closely with other staff, such as internal/external team members, project manager, graphic artists and architects.
6. Consulting clients/colleagues/sales concerning the requirement and specification of new business, and asking questions to obtain information, clarify details and implement information.
7. Constantly updating technical knowledge and skills by attending in-house and/or external courses, reading manuals and accessing new applications
8. Problem-solving and thinking laterally as part of a team, or individually, to meet the needs of the project.

 學  歷: 大學/碩士/博士
 科  系: 資訊工程相關/資訊管理相關
 工作年資: 3 年以上
 語文能力: 英文     聽‧中等 說‧中等 讀‧中等 寫‧中等
 殘障手冊: 不限
 其他要求: 1. Practical Windows or Linux application product development and testing experience essential. Cross platform testing experience is preferred.
2. Proficient in C/C++, Perl, shell scripting programming for Windows and Linux is essential.
3. Familiar with Windows and Linux system. MAC system is a plus.
4. Ability to work effectively within a team then being an individual contributor or project leader.
5. High degree of tolerance for uncertainly since new product development is ever changing.
6. Self motivated and good team player.
7. Moderate communication in English essential.
8. A Bachelors or higher degree with at least 3 years of field experience.

 應徵方式: 聯絡人- 何小姐
請利用104履歷表或email至 recruit@trend.com.tw
 聯絡信箱: Recruit@trend.com.tw
 有效日期: 2008/8/7
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