簡單的想法是控制CPU LOADINE的電壓 引述一下資料 "Basically what happens to the voltage when a load is applied on the CPU is the voltage actually drops. so if you set your voltage to say 1.45v in BIOS and the CPU VDDA is set to it's lowest setting, under idle conditions, the voltage should be around 1.45v. however, under load, the voltage will actually drop below your setting of 1.45v. how much depends on the make and model of your motherboard. |
請問CPU VDDA是那裏的電壓? 空冷下不要過多少V? |
小弟不才,請問NB電壓及NB頻率是做什麼用途呢? 對整體超頻性有何影響? 調升降壓時機為何? 謝謝大大不吝指教 |
我的965跑LinX过4G要1.5V,不知LZ的怎样呢? |
不错啊,请问: 用什么散热器的? |
感謝分享阿,謝謝囉!! |
感謝您, 很用心分享的測試... |