軟體名稱: Windows 7 Loader
軟體版本: v1.7.7
軟體語言: eng
軟體大小: 1MB
軟體功能: 啟動破解
下載方式: http
分享期限: 免空砍檔
Maintain your own list of serials, future or current (comes with allot of preset keys)
Automatically finds an available drive letter (if required)
Installer and uninstaller built in as standard
Checks your Windows version and build before install
Automatically finds your active boot partition
Works on all languages
Works alongside hidden partitions
Works on Windows 7, Vista and Server 2008 editions
Support for bios modded users
Argument support for silent installs
You can use this tool to activate your Windows 7/Vista ISO by editing setupcomplete.cmd
Improves Windows 7 boot time on a Mac (Compared to other loaders)