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Best Buy 開賣 $249美金筆電!

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yyyfly 發表於 2009-11-12 21:17:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


The dawn of netbooks has meant getting your hands on a cheap-as-chips computer is easier than ever. Granted, they might be a little on the dainty side, but for $300, who's complaining?

Oh, you're complaining? Well, perhaps you'd like to pick up Best Buy's $249 laptop that the company is launching today as part of "a dynamic holiday computing selection." The exact model is not yet known but we do know it's an Acer machine powered by an Intel Celeron 900 CPU with 2GB of memory, and a 160GB hard drive. Not great but definitely not bad for a laptop that clocks in at under two hundred and fifty bucks.

We'll keep you updated on the exact model when we hear more.

賽揚900跟2GB RAM還有160GB的硬碟!不是很好,但至少不是EEEPC
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