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IsoBuster Pro 2.5.5 Build - Final_光碟映像檔工具_免安裝

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le2712 發表於 2009-7-9 12:50:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:IsoBuster Pro 2.5.5 Build - Final_免安裝
【檔案大小】:4.45 MB 3.49 MB
ISO破壞者,支援多種影像檔格式的燒錄輔助程式,可以讓你預灠影像檔中的檔案結構,還可以將 Video CD 的 DAT 檔轉成 MPG。
IsoBuster 是一個相當特殊的檔案工具,它最主要且容易被人注意的功能,就是它能直接讀取光碟映像檔中內含的檔案格式及內容,對於燒錄一族來說,算是一個不錯的燒錄輔助工具;另外,它還具有蠻特別的光碟讀取及檔案格式轉換功能。
Changes in IsoBuster 2.5.5 Final:
* Expert Witness Format image-file support (*.E01, *.S01, *.L01)
* Improved support for Japanese text in DVD-VR Label and Title
* Implemented *.orf file-type recognition for found files based on their signature
* Implemented *.ncd file-type recognition for found files based on their signature
* "Do not bother me with this message" option in message when going online
* Command line parameters: "/nodrives" and "/nosplash"
* Improved error message when it's impossible to open or create a file
* Improved font support in the editor window when displaying text other than sector view
* Do not prompt to make a CUE file if the actual image file was deleted after errors
* The Windows shell command "extract" will now start with "/nodrives"
* Various other GUI improvements
* The program now prompts to overwrite a resource-fork-only file on an NTFS system (rare situation)
* Fixed double prompt for action when NTFS stream(s) and the main file would contain read errors
* When tracks are dragged and extracted, but are split into muliple files, all subfiles are now moved as well from the Drag temp folder to the final folder
* Fixed very rare instance where aborting extraction of a track would cause the next track to be skipped entirely

freeegg 發表於 2009-7-10 17:25:41 | 只看該作者
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