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[業界新聞] AMD 於 GPUOpen 提供 Radeon Raytracing Analyzer 1.0 工具

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屬於 Radeon Developer Tool Suite 的 Radeon Raytracing Analyzer(RRA)工具,主要是幫助開發者優化場景模型從光柵化到光線追蹤時所需要的轉變,RAA 可幫助開發者瞭解需要轉變的區域並加以優化。

Radeon Raytracing Analyzer 可幫助開發者瞭解到光追所需的記憶體容量、BVH 的複雜程度等。而 RAA 屬於 RDTS 工具的一部份,且免費提供給開發者使用。

What does it do?
  • How much memory are my acceleration structures using?
  • How complex are my BVHs?
  • How efficiently is my geometry packed into my acceleration structures?
  • Are any of my acceleration structures overlapping, and if so, by how much?
  • How many acceleration structures am I using?
  • Have I set the correct build/instance flags for my acceleration structures?
  • Is there any redundant information in my acceleration structures?
  • Is the geometry in my BLASes axis-aligned as much as possible?

source: gpuopen.com/radeon-raytracing-analyzer/gpuopen.com

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