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Wise Disk Cleaner Pro 4.52 build 192有效清理磁碟垃圾空間~免安裝

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ken000 發表於 2009-6-23 16:16:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

【軟體名稱】:Wise Disk Cleaner Pro 4.52 build 192

Wise Disk Cleaner是一個友好界面,快速簡便的清理垃圾空間,進行磁盤整理的工具.它能識別多達50種垃圾文件,可以讓你輕鬆地把垃圾文件請出你的電腦
New features of Wise Disk Cleaner 4 Pro:
* 1. Export entries to MS Excel.
* 2. New delete option - "Move to location".
Remove to recycle bin is very slow. And if you empty the recycle bin, you will not be able to restore those files that
you have deleted with Wise Disk Cleaner. When you use this new option, you can move all files to a designated
folder, and if you want to restore those files, you will find that it is very easy, because Wise Disk Cleaner 3 Pro
remembers the original location of each file. In addition, the program compresses these files, to save space.
* 3. Advanced Options.
Through these options, you can search files more accurately, for example, you can search old files and remove
* 4. Comminuted delete files.
* 5. Disk Scrubber.
74% of discarded PC hard drives contain private data that can be easily read and recovered... even if the drive has been reformatted. Disk Scrubber of Wise Disk Cleaner will help you permanently to wipe deleted files for keep your private.

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