SourceDNA公司就公布有256個APP收集使用者資料,這樣的行為已經違反蘋果APPLE App Store的隱私政策,這些軟體透過第三方的API,收集使用者的個人資料、用戶使用的APP資訊、設備平台序號、硬體組件序號和APPLE ID等等,這些APP內都有有米開發的廣告SDK,而收集的資料被傳到該公司的伺服器上,因此APPLE也迅速地發出聲明並把APP下架處理,如果之後有使用這個有米廣告SDK的APP也不會給予上架授權。
We’ve identified a group of apps that are using a third-party advertising SDK, developed by Youmi, a mobile advertising provider, that uses private APIs to gather private information, such as user email addresses and device identifiers, and route data to its company server. This is a violation of our security and privacy guidelines. The apps using Youmi’s SDK will be removed from the App Store and any new apps submitted to the App Store using this SDK will be rejected. We are working closely with developers to help them get updated versions of their apps that are safe for customers and in compliance with our guidelines back in the App Store quickly.