wu.hn8401 發表於 2012-6-29 15:25:10

Introducing the Source Filmmaker:用Source引擎做自己的電影

Introducing the Source Filmmaker:用Source引擎做自己的電影
Source Filmmaker簡介
The Source Filmmaker (SFM) is the movie-making tool built and used by us here at Valve to make movies inside the Source game engine. Because the SFM uses the same assets as the game, anything that exists in the game can be used in the movie, and vice versa. By utilizing the hardware rendering power of a modern gaming PC, the SFM allows storytellers to work in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get environment so they can iterate in the context of what it will feel like for the final audience.
To celebrate the announcement of the SFM, we've also released "Meet the Pyro", the ninth installment in the "Meet the Team" series. Like all of our animated shorts, we made it using the SFM.
If you're interested in making movies and games in parallel, sign up for an SFM beta key and start shooting your movie on location inside the world of TF2 today.
Once you have completed all the tutorials above, your movie should look something like this:
用Source Filmmaker做的《Meet the Pyro》

雖然Source遊戲引擎提供的畫質與CryEbgine 3、虛幻引擎4之類的相比仍有一定的差距,不過由於其對硬體要求不高,而且採用這款引擎打造的遊戲頗具可玩性,因此在仍然頗受玩家的喜愛。
最近Valve發佈了視頻製作軟體Source Filmmaker,這是一款允許玩家使用Source引擎打造自己視頻的軟體。實際上,Source Filmmaker早就在Valve內部廣泛使用,有不少遊戲的預告片實際上都是通過這款軟體打造的,可見其相當專業。當然Valve內部使用的Source Filmmaker和現在發佈的Source Filmmaker是否完全相同,目前還不得而知,不過既然是向大眾提供的軟體,或許在功能上有所精簡也說不定。
目前Source Filmmaker正在Steam平臺上提供下載,但是由於目前正在進行Beta測試,在使用者的數量上是由一定限制的。不過Valve也承諾,這款軟體很快就會正式發佈並在Steam上提供免費下載,各位“大神”可以考慮用它來做自己的電影了。
  Source Filmmaker系統需求:
- CPU:3.0GHz的奔騰4、2.0GHz的Dual Core或Athlon 64 X2及以上級別處理器;
- 記憶體:不少於2GB,推薦使用4GB或以上;
- 硬碟:不少於15GB的可用空間;
- 顯卡:GeForce 200系列或Radeon HD 3000系列以上;
- 顯示器:解析度不低於1366*768;
- 音效卡:相容DirectX 9.0C
- 作業系統:Windows Vista/7,推薦Windows 7 64-bit;
- 其它:音箱與麥克風,推薦USB耳機及USB麥克風。

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