最新X79 狂破世界紀錄 4way SLI 及單卡 配上ASUS R4E + Msi GTX580 Lightning
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Lots poeple expect X79 SB-E will replace SB and Gulftown on each benchmark.
After few months , I am dispointted about the margin of SB-E.
Average cpu clock is around 5.2xG ~ 5.4xG Mhz.
Memory controller has lots difference under air cooling.
If u want to do Extreme benching under Ln2 , also have to check the ability of memory controller under cold.
Chip will have CB and CBB issue with higher memory clock or timing . Some chips dont boot under cold even it can do 2500 memory on air cooing.
The chips binning of SB-E becomes a combination game.
With limited cpu speed , 3D11 and vantage are the only benchmark to do . PT and combine score are so high .
Let's see what it can do.
CPU : 3960X
MB: ASUS X79 Rampage IV Extreme
PSU : ANTEC HCP 1200 watts
VGA : MSI GTX580 Lightning & ASUS GTX580 Matrix
HDD : Kingston HyperX 240GB & Adata S599 128GB
RAM : GEIL Evo Corsa 2400 CL9 2GBx4
POT : Kingpin F1 CPU + FAT Gpu pot
Single card result with MSI GTX580 Lightning .
This is good card , but has performance bug low issue. But it can clock high .
3Dmark11 , 1650core and 2650memory .over 13k finally... P13144
Vantage , 1595core and 2600 memory . P48002
5.52g CPU test score is same as 6.4g gulftown . So the performance on X79 is so good . Also easy to bench.
Now , 4way is really tough benching . Need lots benching process .
And the humidity is so high in Taiwan . The mist and fog is everywhere .
I do 4-way benching with Shamino and Andre Yang. We really have "good time":'(....there
Especially one time we had big score . When we want to save it , then whole system reboot.
We tried our best to do already . Hopes we can find other good cards to bench.
Another 3Dmark11 E32950
It is just beginning of X79 , let's push the score now !!
Benching season again in the next few months .
Cheers !
:time:...好恐怖的東西 好恐怖的東西:lolX2 你是怪物:lol X79太貴了....看看就好:hug:.. 又有重回三年前
超頻界再掀高峰!! :good:good:good :kiss:...:kiss:...:kiss:... 好棒的配備
流口水了 真的是~~~~超很大:good 好強大阿!!!:handshake...