kyoga 發表於 2007-12-10 01:40:18

新品~~Sandisk SDHC Class6 ExtremeIII 4GB 測試分享

新品~~Sandisk SDHC Class6 ExtremeIII 4GB 測試分享

資訊展12/8入手剛到貨的~Sandisk SDHC Class6 ExtremeIII 4GB~

HD TACH 快速效能 8MB區
HD TACH 長式效能 32MB區
HD Tune 2.54
SiSoftware Sandra Lite XIIc Read
SiSoftware Sandra Lite XIIc Write 不知道為啥會ERROR~!!
測試讀卡機是Sandisk 隨著記憶卡一起送的SDHC讀卡機~~><~~

[ 本帖最後由 kyoga 於 2007-12-10 01:43 編輯 ]

kyoga 發表於 2007-12-10 02:50:29

SanDisk Extreme III expands its award-winning, professional line of memory cards with a new 4GB SDHC (Secured Digital High Capacity) card.The SanDisk Extreme III 4GB SDHC memory card offers speed, performance and reliability to ensure you get your photos every time. A 4GB memory card can store more than 2,000 high-resolution pictures or up to 8 hours of MPEG 4 video*.As an added bonus, the card is packaged with a bonus SanDisk MicroMate™- a $20 value – so that users have a one-stop shop solution for capturing, storing and transferring their images.

Advanced Features:

Fast 20MB/sec sequential Read/Write speeds
就如盒子上所寫的Card read/Write 20MB/s 133X
Ideal for demanding photo shoots under severe weather conditions – heat, cold, wind, rain, snow, etc
Durable, reliable and thoroughly tested for heat, cold, shock and vibration
Class 6 speed performance rating ( based on SD 2.0 specifications)
RescuePRO® data recovery software - ensures your photos will always be there
RescuePRO® Deluxe程式,你可以非常容易地修復圖像、檔、郵件、視頻、音樂只要是數位檔案。建立于領導地位的媒介修復運算法則,RescuePro Deluxe軟體能夠讓你在嘗試恢復資料以前先預覽。運用RescuePro Deluxe軟體對MPEG音頻和MPEG視頻的獨特修復法則,你可以修復你所看見、你所聽見以及你想恢復的所有東西。

Dedicated technical support hotline 1-866-270-5532 ( U.S. only)
SanDisk''''s lifetime limited warranty (EMEA: 10 year limited warranty)
國外只有10年~~台灣增你強代理終生保固:)... :)...

ESP 是「增強超平行處理」(Enhanced Super-Parallel Processing) 的縮寫。簡而言之,這代表您可使用極快的讀/寫速度,序列讀寫速度非常優異,每秒至少 20MB!SanDisk 獨家技術ESP 結合高速NAND快閃記憶體、32bit RISC控制單元,以及先進演算技術的存儲卡。耐溫抗振,適用溫度範圍從-25度到85度。

[ 本帖最後由 kyoga 於 2007-12-10 03:02 編輯 ]

wingphoenix 發表於 2007-12-10 09:01:11


hicookie 發表於 2007-12-10 11:04:13

老董去那 a 的 卡呀.........:kiss:...

ahan 發表於 2007-12-11 11:05:08


kyoga 發表於 2007-12-11 22:35:19

哈~~感謝wingphoenix 大大分享FDBENCH~~已經用了嘿嘿嘿

E8200 發表於 2007-12-13 19:03:53


mickylee 發表於 2007-12-18 20:28:12

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