CDBurnerXP Pro v4.3.1.2101 功能完整又免費的燒錄軟體 便攜式
【檔案大小】:5.6 MB
【放置空間】:RapidShare/ depositfiles
CDBurnerXP 是少數堅持始終免費又給你最新支援的燒錄軟體了,基本的 CD/DVD燒錄、資料光碟、音樂光碟、開機光碟、MP3光碟與ISO光碟映像檔等燒錄都一應俱全,現在的也支援了藍光和HD DVD光碟,可以說完全不輸市面上眾多的商業收費軟體。操作介面也跟某著名軟體頗類似,實做幾次就可以很輕易上手,另一個重點是它的體積小,程式跑起來也不耗資源,算得上是一款小而美的優質軟體。
音軌間包含或不包含間隔的音樂 CD
燒錄及建立 ISO 檔案
Changes in Version - 2010-04-24:
* Added support for .NET Framework 4.0
* Added -speed option to command line version
* New replace dialog (with option "replace changed files only")
* Command line version now behaves in a more useful way: -folder[\targetFolder]:sourcePath will add all contents within sourcePath into targetFolder, instead of adding the source folder as a sub directory.
* Fixed an IOException in the language selection dialog
* Fixed FormatExcpetions when using Arabic translations
* Fixed: Burning ISO images close to the max. size fails with error message
需要安裝 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 或者更高版本!
Since CDBurnerXP 4, we use the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (or any higher version) as basis for our application. If you are running Windows Vista, you already have .NET 3.0 preinstalled so there is nothing to care about. Any earlier operating system, however, requires that you install it manually.