湖太郎 發表於 2007-6-26 06:49:21


據台PC業者指出,NVIDIA向業者發佈稱為Hybrid SLI技術的全新企劃,未來繪圖晶片將可與IGP內建繪圖核心達成SLI協同處理技術,除了可提供最高的繪圖效能外,更能進一部提升電池續航力。

根據NVIDIA的文件中指出,Hybrid SLI將會於用於NVIDIA的IGP晶片組及繪圖核心中,在在一般2D應用下,例如觀看電郵、瀏覽網頁、文書工作及觀看高清影片,這些工作以IGP核心已足以應付,因此Hybird SLI技術可將它關閉,以節省所需功耗以提升電池續航力。

當系統進入3D模式時,Hybrid SLI可以實時開啟GPU核心,而無需系統重新啟動,IGP繪圖核心將會協助運算,或是作為物理運算單元,以進一步提升整體繪圖效能。

根NVIDIA向廠商發表的官方文件指出,Hybrid SLI不單將應用於NB平台,亦將會普及於DT系統中,因此將會進一步加強NVIDIA IGP晶片組的吸引力。NVIDIA在文件中預期Hybrid SLI將於今年末上陣,因此外界預估首顆支援Hybiard SLI的IGP晶片組,很大機會是AMD平台的Direct X10 IGP產品MCP78M及Intel平台Direct X10 IGP產品MCP79M。

以下是NVIDIA向廠商發佈Hybrid SLI技術的電郵內容部份節錄︰

we announced an exciting new technology called 「Hybrid SLI」.Future motherboard GPUs and discrete GPUs will collaborate to enhance capabilities, performance, as well as reduce power.We called it 「hybrid」 because it implies the combination of a powerful as well as a energy efficient engine, and 「SLI」 because it is our multi-GPU technology.

The combination perfectly captures the benefits and promise of this new exciting technology.Hybrid SLI will only work between Geforce motherboard and discrete GPUs.But when Geforce add-in cards are connected to Geforce motherboards, Hybrid SLI kicks in, combining their processing power to deliver an additive experience.And it is application aware.

Depending on the processing demands of each application, the discrete GPU may be completely shut-down to save power.For the most powerful of systems, where the combined power of dual Geforce 8800 GTX SLI can reach 400W, both GPUs can be powered down when the user is just doing email, surfing the web, or watching a Blu-ray movie, keeping the system completely quiet and consuming the least possible energy.

But when a game, or other demanding GPU application is launched, the dual 8800 GTX's are powered up to deliver unrivaled performance.Hybrid SLI is our core PC ecosystem strategy for the coming year.


[ 本帖最後由 湖太郎 於 2007-7-4 22:18 編輯 ]
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