深舔公子 發表於 2009-6-23 10:46:10

[XF]來自奧地利的精品Cooler,Noctua NH-U12P SE1366

要說到頂級空冷散熱風扇,除了大家耳熟能詳的Thermalright(利民)之外,當然也少不了來自奧地利的Noctua(貓頭鷹),有趣的是Noctua在高階散熱產品的開發與製造也與台灣的廠商擁有相當的合作關係,由此見得台灣在散熱技術領域是有一定的著墨與技術,有興趣的朋友不妨看看Noctua的官網研究研究。Thermalright散熱產品的特點在於追求散熱的極致效能, 而Noctua散熱產品的出發點則是以靜音為出發點的基礎,在良好的噪音抑制下追求高效能的散熱表現,就像屬於自家貓頭鷹的象徵圖騰一樣,寂靜的守護玩家心愛的電腦系統。在INTEL推出了基於1366腳位的Core i7後,並將TDP功耗一舉推上了130W,Noctua同樣沒有在這個領域中缺席,推出了型號NH-U12P SE 1366特別版散熱器,接著來一起來看看這次送到XFastest的NH-U12P SE 1366風扇在Core i7 965上會擦出甚麼樣的火花吧!!
Every O.C player may know it, Thermalright is the Top air-cooler manufacturer, but don’t forget the Noctua from Austria too, they provide the best cooling performance cooler in the worldwide. Compare Noctua and Thermalright will found out many different ideals on their product, for EX: Thermalright for the extreme cooling effect, but Noctua focus on the silent and performance both! Like the hooter from their logo. Since Intel has launce the Core i7 on new socket LGA-1366, the TDP also raise up to 130W max, so it is now only difference between LGA-1366 and LGA-775, we care more about better thermal performance, so this time Noctua sent us brand-new series cooler NH-U12P SE 1366, exclusive for i7 only, Let’s check out how was this babied can do.

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