狂少opb又出名了 hwbot作弊又被抓包
作弊做到到給hwbot ban ban ban :good
看看原文 hwbot 上面的公告
Dear HWbot members,
We regret to inform the user Onepagebook, previously third in the ranking, has been suspended from the Hwbot competition. Irregularities have been found in numerous benchmarks, including 3DMark06 and Aquamark, which were not possible to be reproduced by any of the crew members. Furthermore, the results can not be explained as bug or system anomality, but can be explained by using illegal software. Onepagebook did not deny this.
Since this is the second time Onepagebook has been caught producing very suspicious scores , the HWbot crew has no other option than to call in the lifetime ban option.
Next to that, underneath the Aquamark3 results. Pay attention to the FPS in the upper right corner and the total score. The total score should always be 1000x the FPS in the upper right corner. If not, it suggest tampering with the screenshot.
Comments have been disabled in this post.
Kind regards,
The HWbot crew.
https://xs540.xs.to/xs540/09251/proof2306.jpg 從以前到現在這是他第幾次被抓包了???
還拍片教學???哈!!! 從以前到現在這是他第幾次被抓包了???
傻瓜狐狸 發表於 2009-6-16 09:39 https://www.xfastest.com/images/common/back.gif
HWBOT是現在全世界跑各種記錄最有規模的紀錄網站,他們蒐證很久嚕 連續二次違規作假!被取消資格;真是個閒聊的好題材;原來回復還需要驗證碼(會變識大小寫),使用上有點不習慣! 連續二次違規作假!被取消資格;真是個閒聊的好題材;原來回復還需要驗證碼(會變識大小寫),使用上有點不習慣!
a12097797 發表於 2009-6-16 10:04 https://www.xfastest.com/images/common/back.gif
:time:...是啊 回覆還要寫認證碼有點不習慣!
;P..這次OPB不知道又要怎凹 作弊還臉不紅氣不喘的大概只有他吧 技術很好,我看不出來怎麼改的 技術很好,我看不出來怎麼改的
ntnk 發表於 2009-6-16 12:03 https://www.xfastest.com/images/common/back.gif
我可以寫一篇 作弊抓包大全,讓你辨別一下 不過都是因為狂少作弊我才學會怎樣去分辯的;P.. 本帖最後由 nickshih 於 2009-6-16 18:04 編輯
a12097797 發表於 2009-6-16 10:04 https://www.xfastest.com/images/common/back.gif
現在從國外power user得到的消息是
狂少這次作弊,不只是AM3作弊, 連3dmark系列都作弊, FUTUREMARK網站過幾天可能就會把它成績全部拿掉
我可以寫一篇 作弊抓包大全,讓你辨別一下 不過都是因為狂少作弊我才學會怎樣去分辯的;P..
nickshih 發表於 2009-6-16 12:20 https://www.xfastest.com/images/common/back.gif
:)...想看+1 玩硬體.玩成這樣這樣..何必呢!!