bankerju 發表於 2007-5-4 00:40:43

Seagate 開發了全世界最快的 7200 轉筆記型電腦硬碟機

容量高達 160GB,且具備墜落防護 (Free-Fall Protection)
Seagate 最近公布將在全球市場提供 MomentusR 7200.2 硬碟機,這是全世界最快的 7200 轉筆記型電腦硬碟機,它結合了垂直記錄技術以及墜落防護功能。新的 Momentus 7200.2 代表 Seagate 致力於提供尖端技術的努力,讓人們在家中、辦公室或行動時,都能更容易移動、使用和保護數位資訊.... ... M100000f5ee0a0aRCRD

info79 發表於 2007-5-4 15:34:03


傻瓜狐狸 發表於 2007-5-4 16:29:10


lschen2 發表於 2007-5-4 22:18:34

:kiss:... 有7200.2的了~那在忍一下了喔~

FANTASY 發表於 2007-5-4 23:14:21


VictorWang 發表於 2007-5-5 12:03:05


827220 發表於 2007-5-8 10:55:07


tigeragreer 發表於 2007-5-8 11:23:20

Serial ATA 3.0 Gbit
Momentus 7200.2, Seagate's second-generation 7200-RPM notebook drive, is designed for a wide range of systems including mainstream notebook PCs, workstations, RAID enclosures, and small form factor desktop PCs. Offered in 80GB, 100GB, 120GB and 160GB capacities, the 2.5-inch drive also is perfect for users looking to upgrade their notebooks to deliver true desktop PC performance.

The entire Momentus series is built tough to withstand up to 900 Gs of non-operating shock and 350 Gs of operating shock to protect drive data,..............

900Gs /350 Gs 規格上看來真是耐摔,
但是不知道耗電量如何,這個對筆電還是很重要 !!
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查看完整版本: Seagate 開發了全世界最快的 7200 轉筆記型電腦硬碟機