XF-Team 發表於 2008-10-13 02:55:10

[XF]ASUS P6T Deluxe SLI Benchmark 測試

前些日子有消息指出 Intel X58 將支援 Nvidia SLI 技術 消息如下:

Days ago, some news leaked that the Intel X58 will support the Nvidia SLI techcnology, the news is listed here:
為捍衛高階獨立繪圖卡版圖,防堵超微(AMD)ATI CrossFire技術進逼,一直以來,NVIDIA可擴充鏈結介面(Scalable Link Interface;SLI)技術授權始終無意開放予第3方晶片組業者,但選在NVISION大會結束最後一刻,NVIDIA突然發布最新規劃,為提升SLI平台市佔,已確定將授權英特爾(Intel)新一代X58主機板在未加入nForce 200晶片下,原生支援SLI技術,雖然未全面開放授權,但此也意味著NVIDIA閉鎖多時的SLI技術為擴大生存空間終於作出讓步。

All these years, the Nvidia kept the SLI from the 3rd party manufacturers to protect the high-end VGA market share and prevent the AMD/ATI Crossfire from acquiring the success. But in the final of the NVISION conference, Nvidia suddenly announce the lastest plan: To raise the SLI platform market share, Nvidia will provide the Intel X58 to support the native SLI technology without the nForce 200 chipset. Altough it is not a overall open on authorization, but it means that finally the Nvidia make a concession to extend the SLI technology's space on market.
NVIDIA閃電向媒體發布SLI授權最新消息,引起極大震撼,據NVIDIA MCP事業群技術市場總監Tomas A. Peterson表示,NVIDIA經審慎評估後,已確定將會授權英特爾即將登場的X58主機板,在未加入nForce 200晶片下原生支援SLI技術,不過此重大策略為NVIDIA與主機板及PC業者之間的授權協議,與英特爾X58晶片組無任何關係,但不排除未來與英特爾有進一步協議空間。
This lightning news shock the market and medias, according to the Nvidia MCP BU technical market supervisor Tomas A. Peterson, Nvidia thought carefully and decided to authorize the Intel X58 mobos with the native SLI support, not with the nFocce 200 chipset. But this important stratgey is only between the NV and mobo/PC manufacturers, it has no relationship with the Intel X58 chipset, but NV will communicate with the Intel in the future possible cooperation.
英特爾X58主機板授權並非自動獲得,合作夥伴必須將SLI主機板產品交由NVIDIA進行認證,通過後會有授權金鑰(Approval Key),讓主機板業者置放於英特爾X58主機板的System BIOS上,驅動程式將會確認System BIOS內的授權金鑰及Chipset的Device ID,決定是否提供SLI支援。
The Authorization is not acquired automatically, the parters have to send the SLI mobos to NV to arthorize, after passing the test, NV will provide the "Apporal Key to let the mobos manufacturers to put the key on the Intel X58 mobos' system bios, the driver will confirm the apporval key and device ID to lanuch the SLI function.
此外,X58 SLI授權並非免費計畫,但對比先前規劃將加入價值約30美元的nForce 200接橋晶片解決方案會便宜一些。
Besides, the X58 SLI is not a free program, but it is more practical than the former bridge chip solution--the nForce 200 bridge chip, which cost about 30 USD.
而對於授權模式,Thomas A. Peterson也說明,目前此計畫尚未與主機板業者詳細討論,因此包括出貨數量、單一型號收取授權,甚至是買斷授權都是考量方案會進一步與合作夥伴討論。
And for the authorization, Thomas A. Peterson said now NV still do not discuss with the partners, the details will include the quantity, single-model authorization or buyout authorization.
但現在可以驗證 Intel X58 真的可以SLI,接下來就用ASUS P6T Deluxe 配合 ELSA 9600GT 證明給大家看.....

But now we can test and see if the intel X58 can support the SLI or not, we take the ASUS P6T deluxe and ELSA 9600GT x2 to prove that.
The Platform:
CPU:Intel Core i7 965 3.2G
MB:ASUS P6T Deluxe 0501
VGA:ELSA 9600GT 512M x 2 SLI
emory:A-DATA DDR3 1600X Ver2.0
HDD:Seagate 7200.10 320G
Cooling:CoolMaster V8
Power:CoolMaster 1000W
先別急回應破 100 就獻上完整報導:good

aaug1232001 發表於 2008-10-13 03:04:02


鳴戶 發表於 2008-10-13 03:04:36

:L.. hurry up

weizi2047 發表於 2008-10-13 04:37:05



小賤男 發表於 2008-10-13 05:02:28


a6328920 發表於 2008-10-13 06:20:17


kexw 發表於 2008-10-13 08:35:57


shine121 發表於 2008-10-13 08:56:27

SLI在 X58 真是期待他展現出來的驚人實力

Z.. 發表於 2008-10-13 09:30:34

我不想看9600 SLI...

給我260+ SLI成績:soso

mike6794 發表於 2008-10-13 09:35:41

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