XF-Edward 發表於 2008-10-5 19:22:58


超級老牌的電源供應器廠商七盟電子Seventeam,在目前「節能減碳」的環保訴求盛行的今日,推出了全新的產品系列--「Q-Force」,產品共有450W、550W兩種版本,採用了霧面黑色外殼,同時產品也符合「80 Plus」的規範。不僅如此,「Q-Force」系列更搭載七盟特有的「ASM」散熱系統,除了瓦數之外,也在噪音控制上有新的概念,也有蠻多網友在詢問這款產品的實際特色,今天Edward也拿到了產品,來跟大家分享一下!
The famous power supply manufacturer -- Seventeam Electronics、just released the latest power supply -- " Q-Force " Series. The new model comes with the 80 plus certification and the NEW "ASM" cooling mechanism、relying on the whole new design and sensor、and "Q-Force" can reach the 0dB noise and also keep the power cool in most of the time. Of course、450W output is also designed for general usage、you maybe heard about this but now Edward will show this product to you、just have a look :)

Packing、there are 450W/550W for the Q-Force series、the design is a little...like the xxxsonic in Taiwan...:P

Special "ASM" technology、mainly provided 2 mechanism: "temperature sensor" and "adjustable fan speed"、this 2 functions make the "0dB" possible...
老牌電源供應器廠商七盟電子Seventeam,推出了全新的產品系列--「Q-Force」,產品共有450W、550W兩種版本,符合「80 Plus」的規範....

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查看完整版本: [XF]ASM靜音功能搭載--七盟「Q-Force」450W測試!