異形的外星科技電腦, 長的有點像御飯糰的Alienware Area-51超強電競主機
Alienware Area-51的電腦主機從2008年開始,就一直是 Alienware這家以異形為logo名稱的電腦主機商的招牌主打機器,到了2014年,他們在自己的官網正式預告新一代的 Alienware Area-51即將販售,主機的外型就好像apple自己設計的MAC PRO一樣,他的外型也經過了重新設計,乍看之下還頗像御飯糰的三角造型,不過內部卻是很厲害的工業設計結晶。
預計會搭載X99平台,採用DDR4記憶體,搭載SSD以及802.11ac的無線網路架構,目前售價未定,但從歷來的 Alienware Area-51系列看來,超過台幣五萬元應該是肯定。您有興趣一起使用外星科技嗎?
The Alienware Area-51 ushers in a new era of performance with 6-core and 8-core Intel® Core™ i7 Extreme processor options that come factory overclocked and made possible with the new Intel X99 Express chipset alongside 2133Mhz DDR4 memory — up to 32GB in quad channel. Do insane, intensive multitasking like rendering video or extreme performance 4K gaming at your leisure. Experience a custom balance of solid-state and hard drives, enabling the performance of SSD with the storage capacity of HDD. Plus, 802.11ac – the latest wireless protocol – prioritizes streaming video and gaming, so lag is reduced. And with an impressive array of ports and connectivity options, you can stay in the game no matter where it takes you.
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