WTF!!! What on earth is this performance????!!!! friend bought a new motherboard and CPU today.
We had run the Lavalys EVEREST Cache & Memory Benchmark for the performance evaluation without any tuning and driver being installed.
The relentless performance is shocked and wondering we have received the wrong model!!!
Here is the result (Reply the article is required for seeing).
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[ 本帖最後由 hyde211 於 2008-9-22 09:51 編輯 ] :que:... :que:...
[ 本帖最後由 shitking 於 2008-9-22 18:52 編輯 ] Take a look:(.... 我也要看看看喔!!!:kiss:... :kiss:... 對於英文小笨童來說~
這戲蝦咪挖溝啊~:hug:.. 英文的
看測試圖就好:)... 看看喔!:Q.. :P.. 看一下這東西到底有多可怕... What CPU, motherboard and memory could it be? 趕緊來看看到底是什麼東西